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Five ways you can give back this week

Ashley Morales



You can help remodel a home for a family in needs of repairs by volunteering with Rebuilding Together Tampa Bay. Photo provided.

If you’re searching for a way to give back to your community, the Catalyst’s Impact Connector is here to help. Each week, we feature five organizations in the Tampa Bay area that need assistance, whether that’s time, talent, items, funding or simply awareness. We’re certain you’ll find something here that matches your interests and makes a positive impact on the community.

Volunteer at Daystar Life Center

Daystar Life Center fights hunger, poverty and hopelessness in the community. Volunteers are needed for many positions. Opportunities are open to individuals, families, students, service organizations and businesses. To learn more, call Matthew Korol at 727-498-8794, email or attend an information session held on the first and third Monday of every month at 1:30 p.m. The next one will be held Monday, Sept. 18.

Support and mentor local kids

The Pinellas Sheriff’s Office’s Police Athletic League (PAL) provides positive activities, academics, mentoring, leadership training, academic assistance and life skills programming to Pinellas County youth. Volunteers can work with elementary school children or middle and high school kids through sports, mentoring or special events. Learn more and sign up here.



Oyster Reef Ball Construction

Tampa Bay Watch’s most frequent volunteer project is building oyster reef balls, which involves pouring marine-friendly concrete into a fiberglass mold and taking apart the molds that were previously poured. The reef balls stabilize shorelines and prevent erosion while creating a habitat similar to natural oyster communities found along shoreline areas throughout Tampa Bay. There are four upcoming dates where volunteers can help build these vital structures. Sign up here.

Home Repair Volunteer Help

Home repair assistance at Rebuilding Together Tampa Bay is offered at no cost to homeowners. RTTB is always looking for volunteers to help with home repair projects. If you can swing a hammer or lift a paintbrush, RTTB can use your help. Learn more and sign up at



Work to increase health equity in St. Pete

In collaboration with Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital, St. Pete Free Clinic is hosting a Community Dialogue event every two months to continue building the conversation and work towards a healthier community. The dialogue will include featured speakers, along with facilitated discussion in groups to identify action steps individuals, organizations, businesses and civil groups can take to support our neighbors in need. Register for free here.

By engaging in these five impactful ways to give back, we can empower our communities and contribute to a more compassionate society. If your organization is looking for volunteers, click here to submit your opportunity. We’ll get the word out to our readers.

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