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The Hustle

Name: Chad Mize (Chizzy)

Posted By Joe Hamilton

These days, Chad Mize’s signature St. Petersburg design is as ubiquitous as green benches were in the 1950s. You can’t turn a corner without seeing a black T-shirt with white letters that say Paris London Tokyo St. Pete – and to date, he’s sold more than 60,000 of them. Using the moniker Chizzy, Mize (who grew up across the bay in Bradenton) is perhaps the city’s best-known contemporary artist. As a graphic designer, illustrator, mural artist and self-made businessman, his whimsical works are visible all over town, in shop windows and splashed across walls. “I think the reason I’ve become successful is that social media allows you to put stuff out there, and people see it,” he says. “As opposed to someone walking by a gallery, who has to go inside to see your work. With Instagram, I’m able to post stuff daily. I do a lot of it, and it’s really helped my business. And my brand.”

Years in Tampa Bay


Hustle (job)

Multimedia artist, designer and muralist.

What do you do?  

Constantly chasing something; I’m inspired daily. I want to one-up myself on Instagram every day.

Why do you do it?

Because I’ve always loved it! I still have my first drawing, from when I was a child – an apple tree I drew in church. I always drew in church, and everybody would be watching me and not the minister.

What was your Catalyst? (How did you get started?)

I wanted to work for myself. I never liked working for people.

What’s a common misconception or unknown aspect of what you do?

I think if you’re well-known, you’re going to have your haters – people who don’t think you work hard for things. I’ve worked for everything I’ve had. My dad always made me work.

What’s the most challenging part of your Hustle?

There are certain clients I won’t work for. I don’t want to go paint somebody’s logo on their building. Now that I do murals, I would rather them come to me and say ‘what is your vision for this wall?’

What’s the most valuable piece of business advice/insight that’s helped you?

Going solo. My career totally took off once I parted ways with my ex-partner. I’m really proud that I’ve produced so much stuff on my own. That I don’t have some company and I don’t have to pay employees.


I find St. Pete to be a creative city. At this point it’s still affordable for artists to live here. I just hope that it doesn’t lose what drew me to St. Pete – that eclectic, kind of beach vibe. Go see the sunrise, then go see the sunset: I love being encompassed by the water. But I also love all these restaurants and bars now … I wouldn’t live anywhere else in Florida, put it that way. I would probably be in California if I wasn’t here.


I’ve been involved with it all three years now. My suggestion is to scale it back a bit, maybe instead of having 13 artists, have six. And we need someone who can do more fundraising for us. I think it would be cool to have a really well-known artist to come in and do something pretty epic and large.


I had a great childhood. My family was always laughing. We were very social people. I feel like it comes from within, you know? I’m not angry in life. And I feel that if you use humor, you can get away with a lot more.


There have been a couple of knockoffs. If anything, I just don’t want people to think it’s me doing it, because of my brand. I’ve done a few Cease and Desists, and it’s really mostly to protect my brand. It’s not about money. I only hear about them when somebody tells me. I’m too busy creating my own work to bother searching the Internet.

More Hustle

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