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The Hustle

Name: Jessica Juliano (Jess + Nik)

Posted By Megan Holmes

Caring for a loved one diagnosed with a serious illness can be a life-changing experience. It certainly was for Jessica Juliano. When the 6-year resident of St. Pete's father was diagnosed with cancer, and she stepped away from work to care for him. Juliano found that coping with her father's illness and eventual passing was something she wasn't prepared to do, and going back to her office job felt empty. She craved something bigger, and she found life coaching. Now, through her business, she uses those skills to help others break barriers, cope with change, and achieve their goals.

Years in Tampa Bay


Hustle (job)

Lifestyle and Wellness Coach

What do you do?  

As a coach, I work with people who are tired of feeling stuck and off track with their lives. They are ready for change but don’t have a clue how to move forward. I help them set clear goals, discover what’s holding them back, and start taking empowered action toward the life they really want so they can feel confident in accomplishing whatever they set out to do.

Why do you do it?

This is the type of work that changed my life. When my dad was diagnosed with cancer, I did everything in my power to take care of him. But it wasn’t easy to balance his needs with my job and other responsibilities. It left no time for me to take care of myself and deal with the roller coaster of emotions this stirred up. I was angry, petty, and had lost all sense of self. A life coaching program conveniently fell on my lap and taught me how to feel these emotions safely, how to care for myself, and how to find balance in my life. It was a game changer. When he eventually passed, I was sick to my stomach for weeks, but I knew exactly what to do for myself. I was grieving in a healthy way. I now feel confident that I can handle anything that life puts in my path.

What was your Catalyst? (How did you get started?)

After taking care of my dad, it was excruciating to go back to work and sit at a desk all day. I craved freedom and deep connection with others. Looking back at how life coaching and self-care helped me grieve healthfully, I realized that difficult times in life don’t have to lead us into a deep dark pit of despair. There is another way. I couldn’t keep this to myself. I wanted others to feel as prepared as I did to overcome any obstacle.

What’s a common misconception or unknown aspect of what you do?

People might think once you do this work, you’ve figured it all out and you’re done. But that’s not true at all. Personal growth is an ongoing journey and I’m grateful to be a teacher as well as a student. I try to be as open and vulnerable as I can with my clients and the community to demonstrate that we all experience fear, guilt, disappointment, and so on. It’s how we deal with these feelings that makes a difference. And I’m still learning every day.

What’s the most challenging part of your Hustle?

Balance. There’s so much to do and I’m so eager to do it. But the reality is it doesn’t all need to be done right now. It’s important to take time to honor myself and how I’m feeling. It can get overwhelming at times so I need to take frequent breaks and listen to body to see what I need: more sleep, more exercise, or more downtime.

What’s the most valuable piece of business advice/insight that’s helped you?

Whenever you are feeling overwhelmed, it’s because you are looking too far ahead. The most important action you take is the one you are taking right now. No matter how small, do whatever you can with whatever you have right now. All of those small steps lead to big leaps and big results over time.

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