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Museum of Fine Arts CEO Anne-Marie Russell to step down

Bill DeYoung



Museum of Fine Arts St. Petersburg Executive Director and CEO Anne-Marie Russell. Photo provided.

Anne-Marie Russell, who was named Executive Director and CEO of the Museum of Fine Arts St. Petersburg in March, will step down effective March 1, 2024, the museum’s Board of Trustees announced Nov. 3.

Russell joined the MFA in September 2022, following the resignation of longtime executive director Kristen A. Shepherd.

Although no reason was given for Russell’s departure, she was at the center of controversy over her termination of senior curator of Early Western Art Michael Bennett in June.

A renowned scholar, Bennett had come under fire when a Denver museum questioned the provenance, or documented history of ownership, of several Greek antiquities loaned by the St. Petersburg museum.

Establishing provenance is important because of the possibility that certain antiquities might have been looted, or purchased from disreputable dealers.

Officials at the Denver Museum of Art suggested postponing the exhibition until provenance of the pieces in question could be established.

Instead, Bennett was fired and escorted from the building.

“It is our responsibility, as a museum, to safeguard and preserve works of art — objects that represent the highest aspirations of humankind — in perpetuity,” Russell said in a New York Times story about the upset. “Yet we do so amid the reality of a dynamic and constantly evolving world.”

In a September St. Pete Catalyst story, board member Belinda Dumont defended Bennett. “Everything that’s in art museums, antiquities that are there or anywhere else, may have very little provenance,” she said. “They have very little proof of who used to own it, and when. But that does not mean it was looted.”

The search for Russell’s replacement has begun. According to the museum announcement, “The Board has appointed Dr. Stanton Thomas, Chief Curator, and Darcy Schuller, Chief Strategy Officer, to co-lead the Museum during this transitional phase.”





  1. Avatar

    Frank Carlson

    November 7, 2023at10:13 am

    They were on a roll under the last director with incredible exhibitions. She resigned and was replaced with Russell because the Chairman Carlson and Vice Chairman Davies are not as sophisticated like the last two Chairman. The key Board members are gone as well as 20 of the 30 employees.
    Love the museum and hope they find a way back.

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    Janet W.

    November 7, 2023at9:14 am

    The Museum of Fine Arts went downhill as soon as the last director left. The Board and the community should have fought to keep her! She brought an exciting, interesting variety of shows to our area that we looked forward to seeing, and now they do yoga in the lobby. The museum is empty most days.

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    Steve D

    November 6, 2023at7:29 pm

    Not surprising. Every exhibit there attempts to force race, gender, politics, or an alternative view of history down your throat. Why would I pay to have art curators wag their finger at me. Bring simple enjoyment of artistry back to the MFA, without the condescension and preachiness, then I might return.

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    Janan V Talafer

    November 6, 2023at6:03 pm

    So unfortunate that the MFA has had major issues now for several years. It had been on a remarkable roll for a while.

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