Pinellas County business workshops for June

The Florida Small Business Development Center at Pinellas County’s June business workshops have been announced. The organization offers inexpensive business training, counseling, referrals and resources every month at its headquarters, 13805 58th Street North, Suite 1-200, Clearwater.
More information and registration details are available at the links below. Be forewarned: Even though most of the workshops take place during daylight hours this month, they’ll fill quickly.
How to Do Business with Pinellas County Government. Tuesday, June 5, 12-2 p.m. Get a general overview of the organizational structure, sourcing methods and tips for doing business with the Board County departments and online resources. Presented by the Board of County Commissioners Purchasing Department. Free.
Credit, What You Need To Know From the Inside Out. Thursday, June 7, 6-8 p.m. Credit plays an important role in our society. It can allow us easy access to goods and services or have a negative impact on our lives for many years if no used responsibly. This workshop will provide a basic understanding of credit, how to read their credit reports, how to establish and build your credit, and learn about the role credit plays in helping you gain access to capital. Guest presenter Harold Gillespie, financial and small business coach. Free.
QuickBooks. Tuesday, June 12, 12-2 p.m.Get an overview of QuickBooks accounting software. Learn to set up the chart of account and the basic functions of the most popular software among accounting professionals today. Guest presenter Michael Carlisle, Enrolled Agent. $20.
Minority Certifications. Tuesday, June 190, 12-2 p.m. Learn the benefits and how to become certified as a Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Small Business Enterprise (SBE) or Woman Business Enterprise (WBE) to best access government contracts and purchasing opportunities. Learn how to find and identify potential bids and improve your position in the bid evaluation process. $20.
Social Media Marketing. Tuesday, June 26, 12-2 p.m. Learn how and why to interact with your customers across several different social media platforms to open the door to higher customer satisfaction and brand loyalty. This introductory workshop is ideal for busy small business owners and employees who want to make the most of their time when using social media. You will receive useful tips and best practices to be successful. It is not suited to those already working as social media professionals. $20.