In the wake of Hurricane Helene’s devastating impact on the Tampa Bay area, local authorities are urging residents to remain vigilant against potential scams targeting storm...
A Tampa-based entrepreneur has created an application that helps consumers detect increasingly sophisticated video, audio and photo scams in real-time. Al Pascual, cofounder and CEO of...
The Pinellas County Sheriff’s Office arrested a personal injury lawyer operating an office in Seminole for stealing over $850,000 in insurance claims from clients and spending...
According to FICO, credit and debit card skimming fraud “is back with a vengeance,” with incidents increasing by 700% in the first half of 2022. However,...
Nearly 18 million people suffered “widespread fraud” on mobile payment applications in 2020, according to a letter sent by three U.S. senators in late April to...
In letter dated March 11, the U.S. Department of Labor demanded that embattled public employment agency CareerSource Pinellas repay $1.9 million in misspent funding within the...
CareerSource Pinellas appointed Jennifer Brackney as CEO in November 2018 to guide the organization through a series of self-imposed adversities; Friday morning, the board of directors...
Stu Sjouwerman, CEO of cybersecurity training firm KnowBe4, found himself on the wrong end of an identity theft scheme over the past couple of weeks. Someone...
A Tampa man, his business partner and their company have been charged with defrauding hundreds of investors in what federal regulators describe as a Ponzi scheme....
A Florida company with technology designed to stop payment fraud at the gas station pump has opened a St. Petersburg office and plans to hire dozens...