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The Hustle

Name: Autumn Angel (Raise Your Souls Vibe)

Posted By Keara McGraw

Autumn Angel radiates positive energy both personally and through her line of dreamcatchers, smudge bundles, jewelry and other "spiritual swag" she creates for her brand, Raise Your Souls Vibe. The Clearwater resident was just beginning to get into a groove selling her handmade products at markets around the Tampa Bay area when Covid-19 struck. Undaunted, she switched her focus online, where she promotes her creations while lifting up her followers with messages of hope and happiness. Because who couldn't use a little extra encouragement these days?

Years in Tampa Bay


Hustle (job)

I’m the creator for Raise Your Souls Vibe.

What do you do?  

I make handmade spiritual swag

Why do you do it?

I love creating magical art. It feeds my soul and makes me extremely happy.

What was your Catalyst? (How did you get started?)

I had been buying a lot of crystals and I needed to do something with them. I also had my dried wedding flowers and wanted to do something unique and meaningful with them. I was browsing on Instagram and I came across a beautiful dreamcatcher and thought, “I’m going to make this, but I’m going to do it bigger and better.” So I did, and that’s how my business got started.

What’s a common misconception or unknown aspect of what you do?

Everything I do is done with intention. I am completely focused on what I am making. and I never know how it will turn out. I tried drawing out my ideas in advance, but I found myself trying to match them exactly and that wasn’t me. It wasn’t authentic. I never want two pieces to be the same.

What’s the most challenging part of your Hustle?

Being found by customers through social media posts and learning which hashtags to use. I am a private person so talking about myself on camera is challenging.

What’s the most valuable piece of business advice/insight that’s helped you?

Never give up. Keep going. Be you. Be real. Be authentic.

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